3 May 2017

Did you not expect us?

"Did you not expect us?"

It was a call echoed loud throughout the land
This protest wasn't coordinated
This protest wasn't planned
It was simply and clearly what we had to do.
Ignited by all they had put us through.

We were so innocent, once upon a while
We'd laugh and joke, we'd dance and smile
They told us "you'll have it all
We'll push you high, you'll never fall
You'll have a job, and own your house
You'll settle young and find your spouse
Go to University, get a degree
You'll be debt-free in a year or three
Head down, work hard
Pay off debt with credit cards
Get up early, work 'til late
Come on now don't hesitate
Don't be lazy, don't be slow
Don't go crazy, never show
Any pain or any fear"
Until we shouted ENOUGH

...but they didn't hear.

They wondered why we were complaining
About this bright future we were gaining
A world in which the plants are dying
A world in which the planet is dying
Where they gave us medals, just for trying
Inspiring those who were in last place,
And then threw it right back in our face
Moaning and complaining about 'kids these days'
While never considering, if there is a problem, it's with the way and world in which we were raised.

And so. And so, this protest started to grow.
Filled with those with nowhere else to go
Those struggling hard to pay their rent
Those with a debt they just couldn't dent
Those who were depressed, annoyed, and fed up
Many friends with mental health problems, told the solution was to man up
Those told, because you're young and different, your art isn't valid,
       Those told, because you weren't born here, this isn't your land
Those who'd overcome great apathy, and were finally making a stand

Together we chanted, together we roared
Together we finally could not be ignored
It was loud, it was righteous, and it was infectious!
And yet, still, they stood there incredulous
As we finally realised, they would never expect us.

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